Tom had one vision when he entered the trade show exhibit industry 30 years ago. To create a company that could eliminate all of the headaches that came with exhibiting at a trade show. Tom realized that there was a need for a company that could handle every aspect of the trade show experience so that his clients could focus on getting the most value from their trade show budget. “We handle everything so that you can do what you do best.” Therefore, his original vision plays out every day at ICE Creative LED.
That being said, Tom measures success with a long view. “It is the relationship that matters. Our clients trust us year after year, and we value those long-term relationships.” Tom explores the clients brand and considers even the smallest details during the design phase. When it comes time to fabrication, Tom is right there making sure the design is meticulously followed. You will see Tom during the installation phase, ensuring that the highest care is taken. Tom cares deeply about the ICE Creative LED product and is hands-on every step of the way.